What is the full legal name of Lighthouse Trust, and where is it headquartered?
Lighthouse Trust Pte. Limited. The trust is headquartered in Singapore.
When was Lighthouse Trust founded, and who are its founders?
The trust was established in 2021, as a direct result of the human mayhem in 2020-21, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.
The founders are Ralitza Ivanova, Murugan Sankaran and Pankaj Sehgal. All the members are engaged in identifying and working of opportunities that provide for a better ‘Human-Earth’ relationship, but a sustainable in nature.
Where are its operations/offices located?
Operations of the company are primarily located in Dubai/UAE.
Offices are in DMCC, along with a private office in DIFC.
What companies are held by the Trust?
The Trust holds a majority or significant minority in the following companies, either directly or through the founders:
Sunways Global (Solar Energy Company)
Nirvana Retreat (Healing Grid Property)
Gold Coastway Limited (Seaside properties in East Coast of Sri Lanka, Munnar (India), Backwater of Kerala, all to be converted or in the process of being converted into ‘Healing Grid’ certified properties.
AUR Holdings (Upcoming sustainable Island Resort in South Maldives)
SQRLCES (A human marketplace and balance of life initiative)
Dynaspede Integrated Systems Pvt. Limited (A company innovating in the renewable energy space, among other businesses, including EV component development and research).
SpaceAge (A sustainable and recycling based logistics company in India)
nrgRays, a UAE Based renewable energy service provider.
Liongate KFZ, an Iraq industrial plant for metal recycling and ‘replacing weapons with jobs’ initiative.
‘The Healing Grid’ (Under Formation), a company focussed on developing sustainable mindfulness and ‘trust based’ naturopathy, healers, connected on the healing grid of institutions, hotels, inns, Ashrams, seekers, and developing the next generation of ‘natural therapy’ and life balancing solutions for a global world.
What is the primary mission or purpose of Lighthouse Trust?
Lighthouse Trust is focussed on shedding the light on the ‘true essence’ of a human being. The company is rapidly pursuing its objectives of creating sustainable initiatives that connect man with nature and animals just as the way it used to be; with love, respect and empathy. Lighthouse stands ‘for life’ and freedom, of not just humans, but all mammals, plants and life on water. While the trust generally understands and empathises with all life forms, killer pests, animals and microbes that kill to live are against the natural philosophy of the trust and its initiatives.
What are the core values or principles that guide Lighthouse Trust's operations?
Our Core Value is ‘life’. Sustainable, natural and qualitative life, not just quantitative life. The trust strongly favours nature, and a net ‘zero carbon’ initiative for life on the ‘Planet Earth.’ Lighthouse Trust believes and propagates the philosophy that ‘zero carbon’ footprint business can and must also be profitable, to ensure against dependence on charities and doles, which by itself can be non-sustainable, as individual and corporate financials can change with time.
Who are Lighthouse Trust’s target customers or clients?
Lighthouse is a trust. And like any trust, it does not have direct customer or clients. The business of the Trust is to identify loss-making, potentially sustainable businesses, acquire them, bring in management changes that focus on business strength, ethics and sustainability. The Trust creates/develops funds for various initiatives, and also seeks participation in such fund by other like-minded individuals, investors, entrepreneurs, young thinkers and organisations. The Trust also takes up new initiatives that can help take the ‘world’ from a place where ‘only money’ matters, to a place where ‘health, wealth and mindfulness’, all matter, in a balanced, sustainable manner.
What is the size of Lighthouse Trust in terms of employees and financial turnover (portfolio size)?
The various companies, shares, assets and equities held by the trust have a combined value of over USD 1 Billion.
What are some notable achievements or milestones of Lighthouse Trust?
March 2021: Company Incorporation along-with acquisition of Dynaspede Integrated Systems Pvt. Limited.
April 2021: Set Up Dynaspede Middle East FZE in Hamriya Free Zone (Sharjah), UAE
May 2021: Seed investment into SQRCLES, a ‘Human Marketplace’ project that propagates virtual world and balance of life.
August 2021: Acquisition of SpaceAge Pvt. Limited through DynaSpede Integrated Systems
February 2022: Setup Dynasas Pvt. Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of DynaSpede, a software company to focus on ‘SQRCLES’ App Development.
October 2022: Opening up of its ‘First True’ Wellness Retreat, Nirvana, certified as a sustainable hospitality initiative by ‘Earth Check’.
February 2023: Acquisition of majority equity in Sunways Global, a Solar ‘Energy’ initiative to ‘light and fight’ for the right of farmers in ‘Rural India’, backed by a Government of India initiative to create a ‘Decentralised, Sustainable Indian economy’, based on India PM Shri Narendra Modi’s ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’ (Together for everyone’s progress) initiative.
March 2023: Conceptualised the concept of ‘Healing Grid’, and the need to develop the network of healers and seekers, and help guide the seekers to ‘true healing’ properties, healers and locations, based on actual visits, or feedback from trusted ‘seekers’. The programs associated with the ‘Healing Grid’ are under development.
May 2023: Incorporated Liongate KFZ, carrying forward the ancient ‘Babylonian Lion symbology’ to develop industry in Iraq, with a view to ‘replace guns with jobs’, in a country still reeling with chronic job shortages and lack of industry outside of fossil fuel industry.
July 2023: Sunways Global, a Lighthouse Trust company, successfully completed the first major solar deployment in rural Maharashtra.
September, 2023: Sunways Global, a Lighthouse Trust Company, was awarded a 60 MW solar plant in Maharashtra, reposing the state government’s trust in Sunway’s capability and capacity to deliver, under trying condition, on time and within the budget.
Liongate KFZ, a Lighthouse Trust Joint Venture in Iraq, produced its first metallurgy products in October 2023. The company has created employment for nearly 100 employees in Iraq within 6 months of operations.
What is the company's growth strategy or future outlook?
The trust aims to continue support, lead the corporate initiatives of various high growth companies towards ‘IPOs’ and sustainable self-funded growth. The Trust aims to continue initiatives that are ‘life friendly’, and ‘nature friendly’. The Trust continues to aim for profit-making initiatives to ensure survival of the business and the vision of the trust and its trustees.
What corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives or community engagements is Lighthouse Trust involved in?
Lighthouse is variously involved in ‘Carbon Neutralising’ programs, creating sustainable hospitality, and education for youth. The trust also offers scholarships and discounted fee structure to promising students that wish to pursue ‘IB Education’ in DELHI-NCR, but cannot afford the fees.
What sectors does Lighthouse look to invest in?
While the core focus of the trust is ‘sustainable programs’, the fund also invests in other ventures, for short term profitability or long term sustainable income. The Trust has significant investments in ‘renewable energy’, innovation and technology development, Human Marketplace initiatives, Virtual Reality, sustainable hospitality, property development and construction. The Trust believes that the only way to change the world is from the inside, and hence the trustees are engaged with governments and corporates globally to explore joint ventures and opportuinities that help create a sustainable and environmentally better planet.